The history of our company INWILD


If our history makes us what we are today, it is the same for the MEIDJO! From its origins to its evolution, it is what it has gone through - intensive tests, demanding trials, travels, questioning and experimentation - which today make it a product of excellence!

Let us tell you its story…
Orange line
The elevation in the mountains


We are in 2011. While they are in the middle of a Telemark outing with his cousin, Pierre notices that telemark bindings are heavy, unsafe and difficult to put on. He then decided to give another meaning to his life. Engineer recognized as being skilful and innovative, having already developed many high-performance products, from sports to medical and anti-fall safety , aeronautics or nuclear cooling, it chooses to come true through an innovative product in the mountain environment.


Pierre draws and prototypes a first version of a binding which he presents to telemarkers. Their feedback is so positive that he decides to develop it in detail, through the realization of many other prototypes that he has tested over time by a growing network of enthusiasts. Patent filing was born.


The business started in Pierre's garage, fitted out occasionally to store components and assemble bindings! But the growth of the activity requires its installation in larger premises, close to the home so as not to impact the family relationship. INWILD is then historically located in the South-East of France.


Business is changing. The new projects under development and our environmental ambitions requiring proximity to snowy slopes - and also to respond to my passion for the mountains - we are now looking for a dream place to settle in the heart of the Alps. We already know that it will be an exceptional place that will respect the environment and biodiversity, in accordance with the values ​​of INWILD and the team.

Fall 2022

Change of brand name.

September 2023

INWILD is moving its premises to the Grenoble region.
Change of season for INWILD. Gone are the song of the cicadas and the azure blue sky, our premises are now as close as possible to the snow-covered peaks, to the great pleasure of the team.
The team can thus test INWILD products throughout the winter and fully enjoy the mountains all year round.

What does the future hold for us?

For our part, continue to develop our products towards perfection, while reducing their environmental impact!

Why a new identity?

A new identity to see further and broaden the perspective.

Tomorrow we will accompany you on a wider range of outdoor sports.
Rest assured, telemark will always remain our trademark.

Moving forward with our commitment to innovation, hand in hand with our promise to do so with open-eyed responsibility to human and environmental concerns, we decided to call ourselves INWILD.

INWILD Outdoor Logo

INWILD, innovation in the heart of nature

INWILD comes from the fusion of the word “INnovation” and nature in the wild state “Wild”. Two words that are sources of inspiration, an impulse for our team and our projects.

The text

A typography that expresses:

  • purity, safety, technicality
  • the ascent and descent transcribed by the extended lettering of the N and the W
  • exchange: synonymous with sharing

The Monogram

The shape takes up the interior of the D, an identifiable characteristic of our INWILD name.

The symbol

  • The mountain
  • The hiking trail
  • The ski track
  • Escape

The Effect

  • Unique signature
  • Outdoor sports
  • Adventure

The style

Square and rounded at the same time, like typography. Professional and flexible.

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