Legal notices


SASU with capital of 15,000 €

VAT : FR37801667437

SIRET : 801 667 437 00033

RCS de Grenoble


The domain names and, the website and the elements attached to it are the property of INWILD SASU, a single-person simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 15,000 euros registered in the Trade and Companies Register. of Grenoble siren n°801 667 437.


6 rue chamechaude 38360 Sassenage - FRANCE

To contact us: Director of publication: Mr Pierre Mouyade. You can reach us from Monday to Friday at 09 54 86 73 94 or by email via our contact form.

Privacy Policy is owned and operated by INWILD.

INWILD (referring below to "we", "INWILD" or "Company") represented by Mr. Pierre Mouyade, its President, is committed to protecting your privacy and processing your personally identifiable information (called "IPI", "personal data" or "personal information") with transparency.

The personal information we collect and process depends on the purpose of your visit and the product(s) you purchased or otherwise agreed to receive from us.

By being an ambassador to represent INWILD products, you (referring to "Ambassador" or "Representative") provide your personal data so that the company can send you the latest news.

By participating in a competition organized by INWILD and this, you (referring to "Player" or "Participant") provide your personal data so that the company can communicate the results to you and possibly send your prize.

EQUIPEMENT M respects the protection of the personal data and privacy of its Customers and Players. Accordingly, we have adopted a personal data processing policy in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation No. 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (the "GDPR").

1. About us

INWILD is a one-person simplified action company registered in the French Republic whose purpose is to provide mountain equipment with the SIRET registration number 801 667 437 00033 and the address of the Head Office: 6 rue chamechaude 38360 Sassenage FRANCE.

2. Sources and categories of personal data

2.1. Personal information collected

  • Billing information. In accordance with local tax laws and European Union VAT and invoicing directives, we collect the following personal information: your name, email address, physical address, company name (if applicable), business activity (the (if applicable), VAT number), IP address, the country according to your IP address and the User Agent string of the web browser you used when registering. This information is used to generate the legally stipulated invoice upon payment of your purchase and to prove your country of origin if required under European Union VAT directives.
  • IP adress. Your IP address is temporarily collected when you access our site in our web server logs, our security software logs. This information is used to ensure the security of our website and to prevent abuse. IP address information is not directly identifiable information, but if stored in conjunction with your user account identifier, it may be an indirect identifier.
  • Information from the contact form. Any information that you offer by submitting a contact form through the Contact page of this website. We use this information to respond to your requests.
    In accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, if you wish to keep a copy of your personal information ("right to data portability") or delete the personal information we keep for you ("right to be forgotten"), you can contact the Data Protection Officer via our contact form.

2.2. Personal information of minors

We do not allow minors (persons under the age of 13) to use our site. Any account found in violation of this term will be terminated without refund and all information relating to that user account will be erased.

2.3. Categories of personal data

INWILD collects and processes the following categories of personal data:

  • Information needed to ship a commercial order. Personal data: surname, first name, title, telephone number, personal or professional email address and postal address.
  • Information necessary for contacting and identifying the Player. Personal data: surname, first name, title, age, and personal postal address of the Player.
  • Information needed to contact an ambassador. Personal data: surname, first name, title, age, and personal or professional email address and personal postal address.

2.4. The mandatory nature of the data

We collect personal information about our current and potential customers through our website. We never collect information in person, by any other means, or using a third party representative. The data collected on this site allows the proper functioning of this site, your customer account and the processing of orders.

Providing your billing information is legally required under the European Union VAT Directive and its incorporation into local tax laws. It is illegal for us to allow you to make a purchase without issuing an invoice that requires this information. Information not printed on the invoice (IP address, country from your IP address and your user agent string) is also required for the same reason, to prove your country of origin for the purposes of applying the voucher. VAT rate.

3. The legal basis for processing your personal information

As already mentioned, we treat your personal information with transparency and we treat your personal information in accordance with the GDPR and local data protection laws for one of the following reasons:

3.1. Contractual obligations

We process your personal information to provide shipping of your order(s) and support services that we have agreed upon when purchasing one of our products.

When you log in, we automatically process your personal information to protect against unauthorized access to your account and to ensure the security of your account. We also present parts of your personal information to you for purposes of personalization of the pages of our site and to ensure that you clearly know who the currently logged-in user is.

When you request a username recall or password reset, we automatically process your personal information to provide the requested service.

Using our support ticket system, we process your PII to respond to your request. We also automatically process your personal information to send you automatic email notifications about the processing of your request.

By using our contact form, we process your personal information to respond to your request. We also automatically process your personal information to send you automatic email notifications about the processing of your request.

When you are a customer, we automatically process your personal information and send you automated transactional emails, i.e. reminders about your order status with us.

3.2. To comply with a legal obligation

There are certain obligations under local and international laws, as well as directives issued by the European Union. These legal obligations require the processing of your personal information. In other cases, we may receive a court order or be legally obligated to process or transfer your personal information to third parties.

When you register, we automatically process your personal data to issue the legally required invoice and send you automated emails with the invoice and information about your purchase. Billing information is also sent to our accountants and auditors to comply with local tax regulations.

3.3. To protect our interests

We process your personal information to protect our legal interests. A legal interest exists when we have a business or commercial reason to use your information. Even then, it shouldn't be against what's right for you and your best interests. Examples of such processing are:

In the event of suspected abuse or an attempt to compromise, damage, disrupt or interfere with our services, we may process PII to identify the perpetrator and seek redress.

On rare occasions we may send you a personal, manual email to address a concern about your order, e.g. if there is an unforeseen problem with your payment because we are notified by the company processing the payment for example or by the carrier of your order.

In the event of a serious security issue in our software where a public announcement is deemed inadequate, we may send you an email informing you of the situation, the risks and what you can do.

3.4. Under your consent

If you have explicitly given your consent, the processing of your personally identifiable information derives its legality from your explicit consent. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, any processing that took place before the request to withdraw your consent will not be modified.

4. Communication of your personal information

4.1. The recipients of your information

In fulfilling our contractual or legal obligations, your personally identifiable information may be passed on to our partners and contractors. These suppliers and subcontractors are under contract with INWILD with which they are required to respect the confidentiality and protection of your personal information in accordance with local data protection laws and the GDPR.

The recipients of your personal information are as follows.

  • Accountants and auditors. They receive your billing information to fulfill our obligations under tax laws.
  • EASY CONNECT 83, the web agency in charge of our website. He has access to the private part of our site and therefore to PII to respond to support and improve our website.
  • PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A. 5th Floor, 22-24 Boulevard Royal, Luxembourg, 2449, LUXEMBOURG. They process the payment for us. Any PII submitted to them is subject to their own privacy policy. We only pass personal information to them to pre-fill the payment form when you explicitly select them as the payment processor and click the Pay Now button on our site.
  • Stripe, Inc. 185 Berry Street, Suite 550, San Francisco, CA 04107, United States of America. They process the payment for us. Any PII submitted to them is subject to their own privacy policy. We only pass personal information to them to pre-fill the payment form when you explicitly select them as the payment processor and click the Pay Now button on our site.
  • Société Marseillaise de Crédit (Crédit du Nord), 75, rue Paradis - 13006 Marseille - France. They process the payment for us. Any PII submitted to them is subject to their own privacy policy. We only pass personal information to them to pre-fill the payment form when you explicitly select them as the payment processor and click the Pay Now button on our site.
  • Google, Inc. 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Provides analytics for our site. Only anonymized information is sent to Google. Even as such, it's unclear if they should be listed as a data processor. The only way to resolve the ambiguity is to list them here, but to clearly state that, to the best of our knowledge and technical ability, we do not send any personally identifiable information to them.

4.2. Communication to a third country

Your personal information may be transmitted to third countries (countries outside the European Economic Area) in certain cases, e.g. payments made using a non-EEA payment processor or support provisioning by our non-EU processors, or whenever required by law or you have explicitly consented to this. All processors are required to comply and comply with European Union data protection standards and provide appropriate assurances regarding the handing over of your personal information in accordance with Article 46 of the GDPR.

5. Data retention

INWILD through the company INWILD keeps your personal business relationship data with you. At the end of a relationship, personal data will either be deleted or anonymized but we are legally required to retain your billing information, both as an offline backup and in the custody of our auditors, for a period of up to for up to ten (10) years after your purchase.

At the end of TWELVE (12) months after the end of our business relationship, the following measures will be taken:

  • Your invoices and billing information will be deleted from our site (we will still retain offline copies as explained above). A pseudonymized and non-identifiable record of your purchase will be kept for statistical purposes.
  • Your user account will be pseudonymised and blocked to make logging in impossible.

Other logs that may contain personal information such as server access logs and security logs are retained for up to fourteen (14) months. We may retain your personal information longer than this for regulatory, technical or legal reasons.

6. User Rights

As a user, you have, under the conditions of the GDPR and the laws applicable in France, a right of access, rectification, erasure and portability of their personal data, as well as a right to limitation and opposition to the processing of this data.

You also have the right to organize the fate of your personal data in the event of death, as well as the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL, whose website is accessible at the following address and the head office is located at 3 Place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris.

  • Right of access: you have the right to obtain from INWILD confirmation that your personal data is or is not being processed and, when it is, access to said data as well as information relating to the purposes of the processing (art. 15 of Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of personal data (“GDPR”)). Manifestly unfounded, excessive or repeated requests may not receive a response or incur charges.
  • Right of rectification: you have the right to obtain from INWILD, as soon as possible, the rectification of those of your personal data that you consider inaccurate (art. 16 of the RGPD).
  • Right to erasure: you have the right to obtain from INWILD the erasure of your personal data, under the conditions provided for in Article 17 of the GDPR.
  • Right to portability: you have the right to receive, or request the sending to a third party, of the personal data concerning you provided to INWILD, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format (art. 20 of the GDPR).
  • Right to limitation of processing: you can obtain from INWILD limitation of the processing of your personal data under the conditions of article 18 of the GDPR.
  • Right to withdraw consent: you have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your data if such processing is based on consent. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before its withdrawal.
  • Right of opposition: you have the right to object at any time, for reasons relating to your particular situation, to the processing of your personal data, when this is based on legitimate interest and under the conditions of the 21 GDPR.
  • Right to organize the fate of personal data in the event of death: you can define general or specific directives relating to the storage, erasure and communication of your personal data after your death (law 78-17 of the 6 January 1978 amended, art. 40, II).
  • Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority: without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you consider that the processing of personal data concerning constitutes a violation of the regulations applicable to personal data (art. 77 of the GDPR).


For more information on the processing of your personal data or to exercise your rights, You can contact us at the following coordinates:


ADDRESS: 6 rue chamechaude 38360 Sassenage FRANCE

Contact us by e-mail via our contact form.

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