Frequently asked questions
Find elaborate questions from our INWILD users.
Contact us via our contact form if you have questions.
The base plate, anti-snow pack and tech-toe plate off the Meidjo 2.1 are only intended for the 2.1.
The tech-toe, flextor, spring box and heel set of the 2.1 are perfectly compatible with the 2.0.
The touring plate, the red bar and the touring lock combined be fitted on Meidjo 2.0 and vice versa. If you want to ensure the full functionality of the Meidjo 2.1 on your Meidjo 2.0.0, we strongly advise you to buy all three parts.
Reminder: The new touring plate ensures a perfect locking of the spring box in touring mode. Thanks to the new hook design and the integrated stop, locking is guaranteed and the front hook of the red bar ensures a perfect hold in touring mode
The base plate, anti-snow pack and tech-toe plate off the Meidjo 2.1 and 3 are only intended for the 2.1 and 3.
The tech-toe, flextor, spring box and heel set of the 2.1 and 3 are perfectly compatible with the 2.0.
The touring plate, the red bar and the touring lock combined be fitted on Meidjo 2.0 and vice versa. If you want to ensure the full functionality of the Meidjo 2.1 and 3 on your Meidjo 2.0.0, we strongly advise you to buy all three parts.
Reminder: The new touring plate ensures a perfect locking of the spring box in touring mode. Thanks to the new hook design and the integrated stop, locking is guaranteed and the front hook of the red bar ensures a perfect hold in touring mode
The base plate and tech-toe plate of the Meidjo 2.0 cannot be combined with the Meidjo 2.1 and 3.
The tech-toe, flextor, spring box and heel set of the 2.0 adapt to the 2.1 and 3.
The touring plate, the red bar and the touring lock combined be fitted on Meidjo 2.1 and 3 and vice versa. If you want to ensure the full functionality of the Meidjo 2.1 and 3 on your Meidjo 2.0.0, we strongly advise you to buy all three parts of Meidjo 2.1 and 3.
Reminder: The new touring plate ensures a perfect locking of the spring box in touring mode. Thanks to the new hook design and the integrated stop, locking is guaranteed and the front hook of the red bar ensures a perfect hold in touring mode
The base plate and tech-toe plate of the Meidjo 2.0 cannot be combined with the Meidjo 2.1.
The tech-toe, flextor, spring box and heel set of the 2.0 adapt to the 2.1.
The touring plate, the red bar and the touring lock combined be fitted on Meidjo 2.1 and vice versa. If you want to ensure the full functionality of the Meidjo 2.1 on your Meidjo 2.0.0, we strongly advise you to buy all three parts of Meidjo 2.1.
Reminder: The new touring plate ensures a perfect locking of the spring box in touring mode. Thanks to the new hook design and the integrated stop, locking is guaranteed and the front hook of the red bar ensures a perfect hold in touring mode
There are two sizes of binding Meidjo:
- binding size S: for shoes of less than 300 mm. For Scarpa and Cripi from 22.5 to 26 (mondopoint) and for Scott from 22.5 to 25.5 (mondopoint)
- binding size L: for shoes greater than 300 mm. For Scarpa and Cripi from 26.5 to 31 (mondopoint) and for Scott from 26 to 31 (mondopoint).
Values (in mm) are written to the heel of the shoe.
For ski boots, there is a very simple standard, developed about 20 years ago: the Mondopoint.
The unit simply corresponds to the length of your foot in centimeters, just measure it and choose a size accordingly.
Here's the procedure for knowing your shoe size:
- put a sheet on the floor against a wall
- place yourself on this sheet in order to have your back flat against a wall, the heels glued to the wall
- draw a point of reference in front of the most advanced toe of your foot.
- measure the length between the most advanced toe of your foot and the back of your heel.
It is essential to measure both feet.
This corresponds to being able to pass a finger behind the heel when one has the foot in the boot. The mondopoint size allows you to select shoes but should not replace a careful fit.
Don’t forget to measure both feet. One always has one stronger than the other
These values are given as an indication, each manufacturer has its own conversion table.
Source : www.skitrace.com
For more information and advice, please contact a specialist store.
There are two sizes of binding Meidjo:
- binding size S: for shoes of less than 300 mm. For Scarpa and Cripi from 22.5 to 26 (mondopoint) and for Scott from 22.5 to 25.5 (mondopoint)
- binding size L: for shoes greater than 300 mm. For Scarpa and Cripi from 26.5 to 31 (mondopoint) and for Scott from 26 to 31 (mondopoint).
Values (in mm) are written to the heel of the shoe.
For ski boots, there is a very simple standard, developed about 20 years ago: the Mondopoint.
The unit simply corresponds to the length of your foot in centimeters, just measure it and choose a size accordingly.
Here's the procedure for knowing your shoe size:
- put a sheet on the floor against a wall
- place yourself on this sheet in order to have your back flat against a wall, the heels glued to the wall
- draw a point of reference in front of the most advanced toe of your foot.
- measure the length between the most advanced toe of your foot and the back of your heel.
It is essential to measure both feet.
This corresponds to being able to pass a finger behind the heel when one has the foot in the boot. The mondopoint size allows you to select shoes but should not replace a careful fit.
Don’t forget to measure both feet. One always has one stronger than the other
These values are given as an indication, each manufacturer has its own conversion table.
Source : www.skitrace.com
For more information and advice, please contact a specialist store.
The drilling pattern is the same between Meidjo 3 and Meidjo 2.1
Yes, in case of fall, the release is guaranteed. It’s carried out laterally via the spring box.
Refer to the manual of the setting of releasable system on the spring box.
Alpine heel
The pair of an alpine heel is 240 grams.
At present, only the Crispi brand sells telemark boot with rear inserts: all Crispi boots with inserts at the front have rear insert allowing the use of the alpine heel.
If you want Scarpa boots with rear inserts, only models before 2016 are fitted with rear inserts.
Warning : Scarpa TX Comp have never had front and rear inserts.
No, it’s not possible to use the alpine heel with a binding other than Meidjo. At your own risk and peril - the release may not trigger.
Its possible but we strongly advise against it, you will remove your shoes very easily, unless you lock the tech-toe (risk of serious injury).
Yes, in case of fall, if you have the alpine heel the complete release is guaranteed in rotation. The release is effected onto the heel and via the spring box.
Refer to the manual of the setting of releasable system on the spring box.
In the event of a frontal fall, the heel will disengage and the telemark mode will be activated. The complete front release is therefore not possible.
Skibrakes - crampon interface - inserts
It’s preferable to choose between the use of ski brakes and the use of crampon interface.
If you prefer touring skiing, it is advisable to install the crampon interface.
If you prefer the track, it is advisable to install ski brakes.
However, if you want to use both options, it will be necessary to install crampon larger than the ski brakes.
The first function of the inserts is to equip several pairs of ski to change as many times as you want the binding of skis.
They also have the advantage of preventing the abduction of the binding on condition that choose a ski with some reinforcement (titanium plate, for example).
Ski-brakes sold before autumn 2017 are NOT compatibles with the Meidjo 2.1 and 3. Ski-brakes, sold since autumn 2017 are compatible with all Meidjo models.
Meidjo 2.1 Ski brakes are compatible on Meidjo 3.
Meidjo 3 Ski brakes are compatible with Meidjo 2.1.
General informations
All skis can be used for telemark. It should be noted that the telemark is a sport where the skier exerts a lot of pressure and torsion on the bindings and on the skis.
This stress requires to choose solid skis, with a flat heel and preferably stiff. For this reason, we advise you to orient to skis that have a skate reinforcement plate (ideally titanal); you will limit the risk of tearing.
We DON'T advise using skis with a paulownia reinforcement.
If you have any doubt, you can ask us for advice through our contact form, specifying the brand and model of the skis or contact a specialist dealer directly.
Telemark is a market in which 3 brands distribute specific boots for telemark: Crispi, Scarpa and Scott.
The choice will be based, above all, on comfort.
As a second step, the choice will be made according to different criteria and depending on your use: terrain type / performance / flex / comfort / weight / shoe type standard 75 or NTN ...
Number of buckles : a three- buckles shoe is used more for touring ski (lighter and lower boots) than a 4- buckles shoe that is more oriented for mountaineering.
Two parameters are considered in the flex: the stiffness of the collar and the stiffness of the bellows.

For advice and more information on the choice of your telemark boots, we invite you to contact a specialist store.
In order to use the Meidjo binding, it’s imperative to have NTN (New Telemark Norm) standard boots with front inserts. The boots in standard 75 don’t fit on the Meidjo.
For more details about the choice of telemark boots, see: Which brands sell telemark boots? (question before)
Using the binding
You can find all the documentation in this section technical/documentation.
However, if you need another document please fill in our contact form and let us know which notice you would like to have.
1 - "arm" the binding by raising the spring box until the spring box stay upward till the “clic”. The red stub axle stands the spring box up.

2- Then place the shoe in such a way that the toes of the shoe touch the 2 Easy step In pine situated on the front of the jaws. Press the front of the shoe. When the low tech is locked press down your heel slowly. When you hear a little click lift up your heel one time. When you hear a second click, you are fitted into the binding. Let's telemark.

(Meidjo has spring boxes with flat step-in)
1 - Place the shoe so that the front inserts of the shoe are positioned at the same level as the jaws of the tech-toe.
2- Place the shoe by putting the inserts into the pins and press the front of the shoe.
3- When the tech-toe is locked in the shoe, lower the heel so that it locks into the spring box.
Preparing the binding:
- Raise the spring box until the red stub axle settles firmly on the touring base plate like for fitting the binding (see point 1)
- Press the springbox onto the ski
- Lock the springbox onto the ski by raising up the touring hook (1)
- Fit the toe of the shoe onto the lowtech
- Block the toe of the shoe by raising up the front lever (2)

Attention: Once you are in touring mode it is impossible to unfit. Always unlock the front lever as soon as you telemark. Not respect this instruction could cause serious injury.
The climbing heel set 2 heights of block are available:

The alpine heel allows you to ski instead of telemark. However, you need to fit the telemark mode before fitting the alpine heel! Be careful not to fit the tech-toe only and then the alpine heel. The mechanism operates in favorable conditions only if the shoe is held by the telemark mode in the first place, and then by the alpine heel.
First of all, the alpine heel needs to be set in the following setup:

To get to this setting, you need to place your pole in the hooking pins and to press the tip of the pole against the blocking spring. Then push the pole toward the back of the ski to move backward the hooking pins.

1 - Fitting in telemark
This step is detailed in the question "How to fit Meidjo in telemark mode? "
2 - Fitting the alpine heel
Now that you’re in the telemark mode, lift the heel of your shoe (1) so that you can move the hooking pins forward with your pole. To do so, place the tip of your pole in the small circle (2) and push the side of the tip against the hooking pins toward the ski tip (3). Push your heel downward to fit (4).

3 - Return to telemark
To return to Telemark, you need to move backward the hooking pins by placing the tip of your pole inside the hooking pins (1), pressing the tip of the pole against the blocking spring (2) and pushing toward the end of the ski (3).

Once the hooking pins are in the backward position, your heel is free and you can Telemark. The unfitting of the binding is detailed in the MEIDJO user guide.
To return to telemark mode, you have to unlock the springbox and unlock the lowtech.
- To unlock the springbox you have to press onto the touring hook lever (1)
- Unlock the lowtech for your safety (2)

Use your pole to press onto the front lever and reduce pressure onto the toes by rising up the front of the shoe – the jaws will open automatically.

Products tests
Two possibilities for testing bindings:
- get closer to a test center that has available several pairs of Meidjo and contact them to know the availability of products. You can find the list of our test centers Meidjo by following this link
- come on a ski test that we organize all winter in France, Italy, Switzerland and the USA.
You can purchase our products from one of our retailers or via our store.
All spare parts are available on our online-shop
You can also get closer to one of our dealers.
All spare parts are available on our e-shop. You can also contact one of our resellers on this page
You can buy spare parts for the Meidjo 2.0 on our eboutique.
Meidjo 2.0 spare parts are marked with red badges mentioning Meidjo 2.0
On our shop you can find a part of Meidjo 2 parts compatible with Meidjo 1:
- ski-brakes
- crampon interface
- ResQski
- touring lock
- red knob
- red bar
- anti-ice
- touring plate
- flextor
- heel set
- alpine heel
- small spring
To order parts that are not available for your Meidjo, please send us a request to this form with the part you want and we will send you a quote.
It’s necessary to follow the usual recommendations to the practice of this sport and to ski always under control, in function of your capacities and your physical condition, never overestimate your skill. Make enquiries as to the blanket of snow conditions, meteorological conditions and risks of avalanche. Respect the instructions and signals of danger in the zone in which you ski.
Observe warnings and cautions in the area in which you operate.
Don’t tour or telemark if you feel tired or in poor physical condition. You can contact us for any advices.
Your Meidjo bindings come ready to ski and should provide years of performance with minimal maintenance. Salt from roads, dirt and grime all work against the life of a binding. Rinse only with freshwater, if required. Keep solvents and chemicals away from your bindings and skis—they can damage plastics and metal components. If you have any problem please bring your bindings to a INWILD dealer for service or contact us.
To ensure the durability of your INWILD produts, we advise you to take care of it as much as possible.
When not in use, store the binding in a clean, dry place, put down the springbox and put the tech-toe in the closed position to avoid tensioning the springs (see pictures below).

When you store or transport it, protect it from bumps or bubble wrap, for example.
Moreover, protect your bindings from exterior aggressions (shocks, dust, salt,...)
In addition, check your bindings regularly and check their correct functioning before each sortie. Make sure there is no foreign body in the mechanism. Any foreign body of the binding could case problems in the release.
In case of doubt, wear or corrosion, please have your bindings verified by a store registered with INWILD. Have your material controlled by a specialized retailer at least once a year, and at the beginning of every season, your whole equipment: skis/shoes/bindings (general state and adjustment of release values).
After purchase
If you encounter a problem with INWILD products and, please contact the store where you purchased your equipment.
If this is not possible, please send us a copy of your invoice, photos of the parts concerned and an explanation via our contact form.
The pros
Simply fill out this contact form and we will send you the catalog, prices and the document to open your account.
INWILD offers a discount to all mountain professionals wherever they are located. To benefit from this discount , please send a copy of your professional card and your contact information via this form.
Following this, we will send you the procedure to be followed to benefit from it.
We are looking for ambassadors all over the world who will have the chance to ride with our products. In return, the ambassadors commit themselves to communicate on the brand and to make returns on the products. To study your request, please send us a request with your biography, photos of your telemark runs, your interest in our products... via this form
We warrant for one year from purchase date and only to the original retail buyer (Buyer) that our products (Products) are free from defects in material and workmanship. If Buyer discovers a covered defect, Buyer should return the Product to the place of purchase. In the event that this is not possible, return the Product to us at the address provided. The Product will be repaired or replaced at our discretion. That is the extent of our liability under this Warranty and, upon expiration of the applicable warranty period, all such liability shall terminate. We reserve the right to require proof of purchase for all warranty claims. You have be registered onto INWILD Website : www.the-m-equipment.com
We do not warranty Products against normal wear and tear (such as ski edge cuts and abrasions, outsole wear, etc.), unauthorized modifications or alterations, improper use, improper maintenance, accident, misuse, negligence, damage, or if the Product is used for a purpose for which it was not designed. This Warranty gives you specific rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state. Except for expressly stated in this Warranty, we shall not be liable for direct, indirect, incidental, or other types of damages arising out of, or resulting from the use of Product. This Warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose (some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages or allow limitations on the duration of an implied warranty, so the above exclusions may not apply to you). The guarantee doesn't cover in any case the costs of immobilization, accommodation, transport, loss of business, etc...
Other requests
You can contact us via our contact form or call us on +33 (0) 9 54 86 73 94 from Monday to Friday.
Find the general conditions of sale here: Our Terms and Conditions
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